Divorce FAQ

The end of a marriage can be an extremely emotional and stressful time for spouses and their children. As you look toward your post-divorce future, you can rely on the proven attorneys at Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC to resolve your legal issues so you can focus on yourself and your children.

While the emotions you are feeling about your divorce may vary, one thing is certain: you have questions about the divorce process and what it holds for your future. Our team of experienced family law attorneys has the answers you are looking for as you consider your next steps. Call 608-709-5000 to schedule your free consultation.

“How much will my divorce cost?”

Time is money in divorce. Every decision on whether to fight for an asset or a dollar amount must be weighted with the associated cost in extended duration and additional legal fees, as well as the emotional cost of a protracted divorce. In general, a collaborative divorce will cost less than a divorce that is resolved via litigation.

“How long will my divorce take?” 

There are many variables at play. In general, a divorce where the parties agree on the majority of financial and children’s issues will be resolved more quickly than a divorce with contentious disagreements on these crucial issues.

“Will I have to go to court?” 

Not necessarily. The image many people have of divorce is two spouses fighting in a courtroom over every penny. That’s not the reality for most couples. Collaborative divorce – designed to reduce the financial and emotional toll on spouses and children – is more popular than ever. A collaborative divorce allows people to resolve disputes out of court and move on without the additional costs. Learn more.

“Will there be alimony?” 

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding alimony and spousal support. Alimony – officially known as maintenance – is awarded in an attempt to preserve the marital standard of living after a divorce. Whether it is awarded at all as well as the amount awarded will depend on factors such as the length of the marriage, contributions made during the marriage, as well as foregone financial opportunities during the marriage. Learn more.

“What will happen to the family business?” 

A closely-held business adds a layer of complexity to the divorce process. Whether a business is split, sold, shuttered or continues as is, a proper valuation of the business and its assets will form the foundation. Learn more.

“What will happen to my military benefits?” 

Service members and their spouses make future plans based around these earned benefits. At Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC we understand how important it is to protect them. Military benefits are governed by very specific regulations and are divided based on factors such as the length of the marriage and how much of the marriage overlaps with a spouse’s military service. Learn more.

“Will my federal benefits be subject to division?” 

There are strict rules for eligibility and division for benefits and savings from the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS), Thrift Savings Plan, and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). There is no one size fits all answer for this question. We have represented many federal employees and spouses in divorce proceedings and can ensure you receive your fair share of benefits. Learn more.

Speak To an Attorney 

We look forward to answering your questions and guiding you toward an outcome that works best for you and your children. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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    Hours: 8:30am – 5pm

    123 2nd St Baraboo, WI 53913

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