Wisconsin attorneys fees depend on the complexity of the case, the legal issues, the attorneys involved, and the personalities and needs of the parties. In previous posts, I have written about steps that you, as a client, can take to decrease your attorney fees. However, as your family law attorney, I also strive to ensure […]
Wisconsin fathers rights
Wisconsin fathers rights is a constant topic in child custody divorce and paternity cases. The attached article is certainly food for thought. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2014/05/men_s_rights_recognized_the_pro_father_evolution_of_divorce_and_paternity.html The article makes several good points, strangely enough until the last paragraph. Despite accurate information earlier in the article about the serious changes in the legal system’s view of father’s involvement, the […]
New Wisconsin maintenance case
The Court of Appeals recently made a notable decision regarding Wisconsin maintenance in Brin v. Brin. In this case, after divorce, the husband had paid maintenance (otherwise known as alimony) for 20+ years, into his 80’s. He then asked the judge to terminate the maintenance to his ex-wife. The judge reduced his payments to $0, and […]
Changes in Wisconsin maintenance
The Wisconsin maintenance (alimony) law was recently changed. 2013 WI Act 209 states that maintenance ends upon the recipient’s remarriage. The law also requires the recipient to notify the court and the payer of the remarriage. The law can be found at https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2013/related/acts/209. This law seems common sense, but previously, the payee was not required […]
Wisconsin family court appeal
The success of a Wisconsin family court appeal depends on the evidence submitted at the trial. An appeal is not a “do-over.” There is no new testimony or evidence. The only information available to the appeals court is what was submitted at the trial. The evidence and testimony is known as the “record.” Each party files a brief, based on the record. The appeals court […]
What is Wisconsin legal custody?
Parents often confuse the concepts of Wisconsin legal custody with physical placement. In Wisconsin, however, these two terms have very different meanings. “Legal custody” allows a parent to make major decisions for a child, such as heath care, school and religious decisions. An award of custody can be joint, sole, and impasse-breaking authority. In sole custody, only one parent […]
Wisconsin guardianship of a minor
A Wisconsin guardianship grants legal rights to a non-parent of a child. It allows the non-parent to take certain actions, such as authorizing medical treatment, applying for social services, school enrollment, etc., and to obtain “care and custody” of the child. The guardian does not necessarily take the place of the parent, and the parent’s […]
Can Wisconsin child support be waived?
Wisconsin child support is intended for the child’s benefit, though it is paid to a parent. Therefore, Wisconsin law does not allow parents to waive support on the child’s behalf. Even if the parents agree, a permanent waiver is not permitted. The State of Wisconsin and the judge want to ensure that both parents have a fair ability to […]
How can I lower my Wisconsin legal fees for family law?
Clients seeks the help of a family attorney when they are facing difficult and emotional concerns for themselves or their children. Certain complex legal issues can no doubt become expensive. However, as a client, there are some actions you can take to minimize your legal fees for family law. 1. Request copies of documents via email, to cut […]
Preparing for Dane County divorce.
According to this article, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/january-more-divorces-tha_n_803958.html, more divorces are filed in January than any other month, perhaps due to holiday stress, financial issues, or a simple desire to start fresh in the new year. In my experience, Dane County divorce is common around the new year. While the timing of a Dane County divorce filing is not usually […]