Many questions arise from property division in Wisconsin divorce. Clients often wish to retain possession of certain items of personal property, from furniture to bank accounts to pets. Sometimes, people have an idea that property should be divided in a certain way, because “he cheated on me,” or because “she was the one who wanted the […]
Preparing for Dane County divorce.
According to this article,, more divorces are filed in January than any other month, perhaps due to holiday stress, financial issues, or a simple desire to start fresh in the new year. In my experience, Dane County divorce is common around the new year. While the timing of a Dane County divorce filing is not usually […]
Military benefits in Wisconsin divorce.
Continuing a discussion of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ decision in Peterson v. Bauer,, I want to focus on the treatment of military retired pay in a Wisconsin divorce. Federal rules govern the division of military retirement benefits upon divorce. Therefore, Wisconsin divorce cases involving military members must account for relevant federal laws. The division of military benefits depends upon the length […]
Wisconsin divorce compensation to wife for failure to have sex?
I ran across this article recently,, and found the contrast between Wisconsin divorce law and French law amusing. There is no possible way this ruling could ever happen in a Wisconsin divorce. First, Wisconsin follows the “no fault” divorce rule. But perhaps most interesting to me was how one would place a value on […]