Obtaining a Dane County restraining order for a child is rather rare. It is usually related to cases of mistreatment by a parent or relative. However, a growing portion of restraining orders for children are related to bullying. This link: https://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/brian-metzger-5-year-old-daughter-restraining-order-bully-163440739.html is a good example of how bullying can become so out of control that parents are […]
Military benefits in Wisconsin divorce.
Continuing a discussion of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ decision in Peterson v. Bauer, http://www.wicourts.gov/ca/opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=104582, I want to focus on the treatment of military retired pay in a Wisconsin divorce. Federal rules govern the division of military retirement benefits upon divorce. Therefore, Wisconsin divorce cases involving military members must account for relevant federal laws. The division of military benefits depends upon the length […]
Support Dane County domestic violence victims
Dane County Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) is an organization devoted to supporting and assisting Dane County domestic violence victims. DAIS is well-known in Madison and throughout Dane County. However, the need for services for domestic violence victims unfortunately remains great. I often work with DAIS by representing clients in divorce, restraining orders, and other family […]
Should Wisconsin child support be reduced for high income payers?
According to Wisconsin rules, a parent earning more than $84,000 pays 20-40% reduced child support. Payers in what would probably be considered the middle class pay the full calculation. Does this make public policy sense? Is the obligation to support a child somehow different for wealthy parents? Under this system, the child of a high-earning parent is deprived of income that he/she could […]