Why Joint Appraisals, Evaluations or Occupational Examinations may benefit you? Upon the filing for a divorce, there are various assets with unknown values to be had between the two of you. As lawyers, we are only licensed to advise you through your divorce in consideration of the benefits and risks of your position for […]
What happens after you or your spouse files for divorce?
At a minimum, there is a 120-day waiting period from the time of filing to the date of divorce. Unless you and your spouse already agree on everything, most cases last substantially longer than 120 days. There is a lot to accomplish from the time of the pleadings to the time of divorce. Namely, the […]
How Common Is Divorce Really?
Divorce may seem very common, but it is not as common as you think. In fact, the rate is only 2.3 per 1,000 population. Of course, that number would be zero in a perfect world, but we are human. Click here to learn more statistics on divorce.
What Happens in a Business Divorce?
A couple facing divorce can be left with the question, what is going to happen with our business? What happens to a business in the event of a divorce depends on many things, such as when the business was started, what state you are in, and many more. Our firm is here to help you […]