I attended a Dane County Family Law Group (DCFLAG) meeting today, at which local family judges estimated that 80% of the parties in Dane County family law cases (divorce, paternity, child support and custody, etc.) are not represented by lawyers. I imagine the same is true in Sauk County, Columbia Count, and other surrounding counties. The judges lamented that not only […]
Should Wisconsin child support be reduced for high income payers?
According to Wisconsin rules, a parent earning more than $84,000 pays 20-40% reduced child support. Payers in what would probably be considered the middle class pay the full calculation. Does this make public policy sense? Is the obligation to support a child somehow different for wealthy parents? Under this system, the child of a high-earning parent is deprived of income that he/she could […]
Forcing a parent to get a job for Wisconsin child support
A judge cannot force a parent to work, but can force a parent to look for work in order to pay Wisconsin child support. Usually, this is done by requiring the unemployed parent to submit a certain number of job applications each month, and document those applications to the judge. If the parent refuses to do […]
Changing Wisconsin child support without a court order
No. The court keeps the authority to review any agreement on child support made by the parents. Therefore, all agreements must be submitted to the court for approval and formal entry. If parents agree to modify child support payments without submitting a formal order, neither the court nor the county child support agency will recognize […]