Guardianship is not always the answer; it is important to consult with an attorney and consider all options for protecting a loved one. Wisconsin is one of five states that require judges to consider less restrictive alternatives to guardianships.
What Is a Guardian ad Litem?
The guardian ad litem’s role is to represent the best interests of the children in family law cases involving issues such as custody and placement and child support.
Family Courts Navigating Vaccine Disagreements
COVID-19 vaccines are becoming another battleground for divorced parents. Some protracted disagreements have required the appointment of a guardian ad litem to make a recommend for what serves the child’s best interest.
Small Business and Your Divorce
Your divorce can have a tremendous effect on your small business.
Looking Back at the Biggest Divorce of 2021
Because all of the Gates children are over 18, custody wasn’t part of the settlement. That just left the small matter of splitting up a ~$145 billion fortune
The Connection Between Unemployment and Child Support
Unemployment has reached a record low in Wisconsin. If your ex has been given a reprieve from or reduction in child support payments based on their employment status, it may be time to revisit their circumstances and modify your child support order accordingly.
When To Modify Child Support
Your child support modifications may not generate headlines, but they are important to pursue if there has been a material change in circumstances or your custody arrangement has been altered.…
Protecting Your Business In a Divorce
Foregoing the advice of an experienced divorce lawyer could result in you being business partners with your ex. Source:
Tips For Surviving Solo Holidays
Are you spending the holidays without your children this year? Whether this is the first time or a predictable part of your co-parenting agreement, it can be rough. Here are some tips for surviving the holidays when you’re alone. Source:
Handling A Parent’s Divorce As An Adult
Being older doesn’t make it easy when your parents get a divorce. Source: