High asset divorce cases involve issues that go far beyond the marital home and the children. These cases often involve stock portfolios, real estate, businesses, professional practices, luxury items, and other valuables. It is important to have an attorney with experiencing in these niche areas of property division.
Divorce and Your Credit Score
Financial changes from your divorce may have an impact on your credit score. Here’s how you can rebuild or protect yours. https://www.cnbc.com/select/rebuild-credit-score-after-divorce/
Another Use for Prenuptial Agreements
Wisconsin’s community property laws mean that, upon marriage, each spouse automatically has an interest in one-half of the marital property. Wanting an arrangement that deviates from this is a good reason to draft and sign a prenuptial agreement before getting married.
Taxes After Divorce
Will divorce cause your taxes to go up or down? It depend on many factors including your income, your parenting arrangement and whether you are making alimony or child support payments. https://www.investopedia.com/taxes-after-divorce-5192868
Is an “Informal” Custody Arrangement a Good Option?
When it comes to child custody, don’t be like Kim and Kanye. Having an informal arrangement may seem amicable, but it lacks the protections for parents and children that a written custody and placement agreement provides. https://www.tmz.com/2022/03/03/kim-kardashian-kanye-west-child-custody-arrangement-divorce/
What Are the Signs of a Healthy Co-Parenting Relationship?
Instead of focusing on what is not working well in your co-parenting relationship, identify what is going well and accentuate it. https://www.verywellfamily.com/signs-of-a-healthy-coparenting-relationship-2997282
15 Ways Your Job is Destroying Your Marriage
Are you taking your job home with you? It could be causing harm on the home front. https://www.businessinsider.com/signs-your-job-is-ruining-your-marriage-2016-3
Community Property and Your Divorce
Wisconsin is a community property state. What does that mean for your divorce?
Checking in on Your Child Support
You can check on our child support payments at the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families’ website. If your ex is failing to provide support or your circumstances have changed, an experienced family law attorney can help you pursue enforcement or modification of your child support order. https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cs/pay/account-info
Do You Need Your Own Lawyer for a Prenup?
Yes. The same lawyer cannot represent both spouses. It is important to get legal advice from an attorney who is focused on protecting your interests as prenuptial agreements are negotiated, drafted and reviewed.