I ran across this article recently, http://divorce.com/mandatory-sex/, and found the contrast between Wisconsin divorce law and French law amusing. There is no possible way this ruling could ever happen in a Wisconsin divorce. First, Wisconsin follows the “no fault” divorce rule. But perhaps most interesting to me was how one would place a value on […]
Important notice regarding Badgercare changes for 2014
Due to the new federal health care law (the Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare), Badgercare’s income limits will change effective 1/1/14. If you or your children receive health insurance through Badgercare, you should already have received several letters regarding these changes. You can find this information at http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/em/CustomerHelp/bcpletters.htm The same is true of Wisconsin’s Health Insurance Risk-Sharing […]
Forcing a parent to get a job for Wisconsin child support
A judge cannot force a parent to work, but can force a parent to look for work in order to pay Wisconsin child support. Usually, this is done by requiring the unemployed parent to submit a certain number of job applications each month, and document those applications to the judge. If the parent refuses to do […]
Should Wisconsin maintenance be limited in divorce?
Wisconsin maintenance law does not set specific limits on the amount or duration of spousal support (maintenance) after divorce. The court instead applies numerous factors to a request for maintenance before making a discretionary decision. Other states set specific limits on spousal support. Texas, for example, limits support to 5 years in marriages of 10-20 […]
Wisconsin divorce lawyer steps to making divorce easier
Divorce is one of the most stressful periods in your life. In my years of experience as a Wisconsin divorce lawyer, I’ve noticed that clients who follow the below guidelines seem to make it through the process with far less stress. 1. Hire a lawyer. The legal system can be frustrating, complicated, and confusing. An experienced Wisconsin divorce […]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
As mentioned in a previous blog, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In my practice, I work with Dane County domestic violence victims not only while their case is pending, but in some instances, for many months prior. Long-term physical, emotional, verbal, or economic abuse often leaves the victim feeling fearful and damages self-esteem. Victims are routinely […]
Must I disclose all assets in a Wisconsin divorce?
Yes. Wisconsin law requires both spouses to disclose all assets in a Wisconsin divorce. The purpose is to give each spouse full and fair knowledge of the finances. Each spouse will complete a standard form listing checking and savings accounts, CDs, retirement, vehicles, real estate, investments, debts, etc. All assets with a value greater than $500 must […]
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Domestic violence unfortunately remains amazingly prevalent in our society. Estimates consistently indicate that between 25-30% of women experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. In Wisconsin alone, 48 domestic violence victims were killed in 2013. Anyone who has spent time at the Dane County Courthouse in Madison, as I have, on days when restraining orders are scheduled […]
Changing Wisconsin child support without a court order
No. The court keeps the authority to review any agreement on child support made by the parents. Therefore, all agreements must be submitted to the court for approval and formal entry. If parents agree to modify child support payments without submitting a formal order, neither the court nor the county child support agency will recognize […]
Wisconsin child custody order prevents abduction
A parent, particularly a citizen of another country, who wishes to remove a child from the United States should be monitored extremely carefully. Wisconsin child custody orders must be carefully drafted in this situation. The fact is that, if a parent leaves the US with a child and refuses to bring her back, it is extremely difficult […]