The Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ recent decision in Wendorf v. Wendorf 12AP269 , though not formally published, is notable for the Court’s refusal to accept the wife’s alleged extramarital affair as a “context” for domestic violence. It appears that the husband became upset after finding a contraceptive, and assaulted the wife. In essence, his argument […]
Do I need a lawyer in Dane County family law case?
I attended a Dane County Family Law Group (DCFLAG) meeting today, at which local family judges estimated that 80% of the parties in Dane County family law cases (divorce, paternity, child support and custody, etc.) are not represented by lawyers. I imagine the same is true in Sauk County, Columbia Count, and other surrounding counties. The judges lamented that not only […]
Decision on Wisconsin child custody and relocation
In Marriage of Derleth and Corova, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals recently addressed a Wisconsin child custody dispute over a child’s relocation. The Court decided that a parent’s ability to move up to 150 miles away within the state cannot be restricted, even if the court believes that the move is not in the child’s […]
The intersection of divorce, child custody, McDonald’s, and psychiatry.
A father’s parental fitness has been called into question by a psychiatrist because he refused to take his child to McDonalds. Though this case occurred in New York, it could easily have happened in Wisconsin. I have to believe there is something else going on here. It’s hard to imagine that a competent psychiatrist […]
“Aggressive” vs “assertive” Wisconsin family lawyer
As a Wisconsin family lawyer, practicing widely in Dane County, Sauk County, and Columbia County, I view my role as solving the client’s problems. Can those goals be accomplished by assertive vs. aggressive lawyering, and is there a difference? I recently commented on a listserv with the title of “Aggressive Lawyering is Counterproductive.” I agreed […]
Wisconsin family lawyer for help with child guardianship
A guardianship grants non-parents certain rights to care for a child. These usually include the right to make healthcare, travel, education, and financial decisions, as well as maintaining “care, custody, and control” of the minor. As a Wisconsin family lawyer, I assist clients obtain minor guardianships. I also help parents defend against them when they are […]
A new factor to consider in Wisconsin child custody disputes?
Could Wisconsin child custody disputes soon involve investigation into a child’s Halloween candy bag? According to the National Confectioner’s Association, 81% of parents eat some of their children’s Halloween candy. 26% are sneaky enough to wait until their children go to sleep before creeping stealthily to the candy bag and taking those yummy KitKats. How long […]
Can I make my spouse pay for my Wisconsin divorce lawyer?
Yes, but it is not guaranteed in a Wisconsin divorce. Wisconsin law allows a judge to order one spouse to assist in paying the other’s attorney’s fees in family cases (divorce, child support, paternity, etc.). This usually happens in one of three instances: (1) when one spouse has access to greater assets or income than the other; (2) […]
Should Wisconsin child support be reduced for high income payers?
According to Wisconsin rules, a parent earning more than $84,000 pays 20-40% reduced child support. Payers in what would probably be considered the middle class pay the full calculation. Does this make public policy sense? Is the obligation to support a child somehow different for wealthy parents? Under this system, the child of a high-earning parent is deprived of income that he/she could […]
Pets as “property” in a Wisconsin divorce?
Pets are treated as property in Wisconsin divorce cases. However, research continues to demonstrate that at least some animals have more complex emotions and intelligence. A recent study found that dogs may have emotions similar to humans As a dog owner myself, this is not really surprising. However, those feelings are increasingly supported by scientific […]