No, but divorce filings are slightly elevated in January than some other months. Much as in Dane County, Sauk County divorce filing was most common in July. Sauk County Divorce filings averaged between 18 and 26 in most months, on the high end in January. However, in July and August, the number rose by about 40%, to 34 filings per month. January […]
Is January the most common month for Dane County divorce?
No, at least not in 2013. Dane County divorce was most common in April and July 2013. It is commonly believed that many spouses wait to get through the holiday season before filing, or seek a fresh start in the new year. There are many viewpoints on January’s notoriety as “divorce month” as this article demonstrates In […]
What are my Wisconsin grandparent visitation rights?
Wisconsin grandparent visitation rights are available in some circumstances. The grandparents must show that that had, or were denied, a relationship with their grandchild. Parents have a strong right to parent their children as they wish. Therefore, the grandparents must demonstrate that maintaining the relationship with the grandchild is sufficiently important to outweigh the parents’ rights. […]
Differences in Baraboo divorce case?
One of the main differences in a Baraboo divorce or Baraboo child custody dispute as opposed to other counties is the role of the guardian ad litem. The guardian ad litem (GAL) is a lawyer appointed to represent a child’s best interest when the parents cannot agree. Some larger counties, such as Dane County, have specific court counseling services […]
Does Sauk County divorce differ from Dane County divorce?
In general, no. Divorce laws are enacted by the state legislature, and apply to the entire state. However, each county establishes formal local court rules that can differ by county. For example, in a Sauk County divorce, judges strictly choose guardians ad litem (lawyers for children’s interests) from a list kept by the county. In Dane […]
Reasonable attorney fees in Wisconsin
For family lawyers and clients, ensuring reasonable attorney fees can be a challenge. One reason may be the issues faced by young lawyers, and frankly, lawyers in general. The Wisconsin State Bar completed a report demonstrating some of those challenges, which include sky-high debt, lack of employment, underemployment, low pay, and lack of practical skills and training. […]
New Wisconsin case addresses requests to modify child support.
In Eisinger v. Pachacek,, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that a change in one parent’s income is not, by itself, a “substantial change in circumstances” necessary to modify child support. The Court found that, although the mother’s income had increased by $3,000 per month, neither the father’s (the payer’s) income nor the child’s needs were […]
Preparing for Dane County divorce.
According to this article,, more divorces are filed in January than any other month, perhaps due to holiday stress, financial issues, or a simple desire to start fresh in the new year. In my experience, Dane County divorce is common around the new year. While the timing of a Dane County divorce filing is not usually […]
Divorce property division Can I sell property during divorce?
Not without your spouse’s agreement. Wisconsin divorce property division law specifically prohibits selling, giving away, cashing in, or destroying assets once a divorce is filed. This rules applies to all property, including retirement accounts, real estate, stocks, investments, checking accounts, CDs, vehicles, furniture, etc. The purpose is to maintain the couple’s property as close to what it was on the date the divorce was filed. […]
Post-divorce bitterness as art?
A Michigan man, not content with divorcing his wife and moving on, bought the house next to her and erected a huge vulgar sculpture pointed at her home. Perhaps the money spent on this sculpture could have been instead given to charity? Even worse, it appears that there are children involved. This is a good example? […]