Deciding whether or not to initiate a divorce is a devastating decision. If you come to the conclusion that divorce is the correct choice for your circumstances, access to reputable advice on maneuvering the process is important. Here are 54 tips from experts pertaining to the best ways to prepare for the divorce process. For […]
New Wisconsin statute affects child placement after military deployment
Deployment is a fact of life for servicemembers. The member has little control over the timing or location, and in most cases, the spouse and children remain in the US. Until now, parents had few options to shape their child placement schedule in the event of deployment. However, a new Wisconsin statute provides greater flexibility. […]
What Is a Collaborative Divorce?
David Kowalski is a member of the Collaborative Family Law Council of Wisconsin. Collaborative law is designed to ensure a divorce process free of court disputes. The negotiation of terms of a divorce can often become emotionally taxing for all parties involved, including children. A collaborative divorce begins with both spouses signing a binding agreement […]
What Is Coercive Control?
The United Nation’s definition of violence against women is as follows: “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” Coercive control, […]
Emergency relief in military custody case
As discussed in an earlier blog, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) grants servicemembers a “stay” or freeze of a divorce or child custody case until s/he can legitimately participate. Upon the servicemember’s request, the case must be suspended for 90 days. However, what happens if a real emergency makes a suspension unrealistic? Earlier blogs […]
When Happens If Your Spouse Tries to Hide Assets During the Divorce Process?
If your spouse hides assets during the divorce process, it is illegal. When a financial disclosure statement is filled out, one must sign it under oath. Therefore, lying on the financial disclosure statement is considered perjury under Wisconsin law. The Wisconsin Statutes specifically state, “complete disclosure of assets and debts is required by law and […]
Why Is a Prenuptial Agreement Necessary?
If you are getting married, you will benefit from a prenuptial agreement. There are numerous reasons why this is the case. Getting married involves a contract. However, that specific contract does not aid in planning for what will happen if your partnership is dissolved. Here are three basic reasons why everyone needs a prenuptial agreement. […]
Wisconsin child custody statutes affecting military members
Military members and their spouses should be aware of the following Wisconsin statutes and cases that could have an affect on child custody and placement disputes: Wisconsin Statutes 767.41(2)(e) and (5)(c): ” If a party is a service member, the court may not consider as a factor in determining the legal custody of a child […]
Dividing Benefits in a Federal Employee Divorce
When dividing federal benefits in divorce, there are two retirement accounts federal employees are eligible for. The first account is the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). Under FERS, employees are eligible for benefits from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Read more about the Federal Employees Retirement System and how it functions here. If you are […]
Obtaining financial information in a Wisconsin military divorce
All divorce cases require an analysis of each spouse’s assets, debts, and income. Divorce involving a military servicemember is no different. Basic documents such as the leave and earnings statement (LES), disability determination, points statement, etc. should be obtained in every case. There are several ways to obtain this information, with the last resort being […]