So, you got married and you didn’t get a prenup. Perhaps now you are wishing you did, wondering what you missed out on, or just don’t know what this means for you. Well, lots of people marry without a prenup and in many circumstances, seeking out a prenup may not have been worthwhile. If you […]
Unsound Prenup
Did you know? In 2023, Marriage and divorce questions were the second most searched legal category in the U.S. (see Surprisingly, in 2023 Wisconsin had relatively low search queries when compared to other states. While not all answers to your legal questions may be available online, our online blogs will hopefully answer some of […]
Making a Sound Prenuptial Agreement
As mentioned in our post last week, two couples from “Love is Blind”, Season 7, contemplated getting prenuptial agreements. Though these couples did not get married, and in turn, did not sign prenups, if they had, the accelerated timeline and pressure of relationships in Love is Blind may have been reason to call the prenups […]
Love is Blind and Prenuptial Agreements (“Prenups”)
Even future lawyers may need to obtain a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreements have grown in popularity the more they have been mentioned in Netflix’s “Love is Blind.” Season 7 featured two mentions of this legal contract and gives you two great reasons why you may consider obtaining one for yourself, particularly in a community property […]
Have you heard the modern term “DINKWAD?” It is an acronym for double income, no kids, with a dog. DINKWADs can get divorced too, and in fact it is not uncommon.
New Year’s Resolutions Do Not Have to Involve Getting to the Gym
Have you ever thought of creating a New Year’s resolution for co-parenting? If you feel your co-parenting could use some polishing, click here for a dozen ways to step up your game in 2023.
How Common Is Divorce Really?
Divorce may seem very common, but it is not as common as you think. In fact, the rate is only 2.3 per 1,000 population. Of course, that number would be zero in a perfect world, but we are human. Click here to learn more statistics on divorce.
We are excited to announce that David Kowalski has obtained Lead Counsel Verification in Divorce and Family Law
Congratulations to David Kowalski! At Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC, the skills and experience of our team set us apart. Attorney David Kowalski recently achieved a well-deserved honor, achieving Lead Counsel Verification in the practice areas of divorce and family law. This achievement was built on a foundation of his profound legal experience, solid reputation, […]
Harassment vs Domestic Abuse Charges
In Wisconsin, you may file two different types of orders/injunctions: harassment, or domestic abuse. There are numerous differences between the two charges. However, the largest difference between a harassment injunction and a domestic violence injunction is the individual who is being accused. If the individual does not live in your home and they are not […]
Domestic Abuse and Child Placement in Wisconsin
Domestic violence in a relationship can impact whether and to what extent a child spends time with the abusive parent, as part of a Wisconsin divorce, legal separation or paternity action. In Wisconsin, there are two main components of any divorce, separation or paternity order, regarding children. One of these is legal custody, which relates […]