The servicemember and former spouse must understand this rule affecting the division of military retired pay. This blog explains the purpose and affect of the rule.
Servicemember’s “High-3” income
The military member’s retired pay will be calculated using his/her service time and highest three years’ earnings.
Military servicemember’s income
Both the servicemember and former spouse should understand the various forms of income available to the member. An understanding of income is necessary to properly arrange for expense payment and calculate child support and alimony/spousal maintenance.
Military leave
Servicemembers have available leave that, in some instances, may be counted as a cash asset in divorce.
Active duty vs. reserve military retirement
The calculation of military retired pay is different for active duty and reserve servicemembers. This blog discusses some of the important differences.
Introduction to Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC military divorce blog
The initial blog by Attorney David Kowalski, a family lawyer in Madison, Wisconsin, explaining issues to address in divorce and family law cases involving a servicemember.